A proven, 4-part system to end emotional eating
(for real)

Yes, you read that right.

How many times have you tried to “find more willpower” or try yet another diet to help feel more in control around food?

I’m going to guess time and time again.

You need a new approach.

In this guide, you'll get:

  • Emotional Eating 101 (the CliffsNotes version) so you can put this to work immediately
  • Why restricting foods is the very thing that is keeping you stuck
  • The printable 4-Step Coping Formula so you can have it at your fingertips, even when you're on the go
  • All kinds of tools to help you implement, including a crowd favorite: the Hunger and Fullness Scale (so you can tell the difference between hunger and cravings!)

Hi! I’m Leah Hortin, A certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and Master Health and Life Coach specializing in helping women get off the diet rollercoaster …. FOR GOOD.

But here’s where I’m a little different from your average coach.

All of my strategies are science backed thanks to my years of studying Biology at Washington State University.

This is important because, while I’m certified and familiar with all the emotional aspects of healing your relationship with food, there’s a physiological understanding that most coaches aren’t aware of.

So if nothing has worked before, now you know why.

Welcome to the Anti-Diet Life, I’m excited to introduce you to true food freedom, loving your body and redefining what health means.